Sunday, May 07, 2006

Second Life Players

SL Players are people who have a serious interest in participating in video-making in second life. The most likely form of participation is as an actor in a video episode. An episode is a single video of about 6 minutes.

Players may also contribute to episode scenarios and to shooting scripts for episodes. I am assuming that anyone acting in an episode will want to review the shooting script and see if it can be improved.

As a start SE will take the job of preparing episode scenarios and shooting scripts. SE will also handle the vid collection, editing, voicing, audio work, and publication on YouTube. So all we will need is stories, scripts, and acting. And whatever avatar and set modifications are needed for the story.

In the long run, we will also need full stories to integrate several episodes. But we can wait on that.

What shall we do while waiting? Elaborate what we can do in making vids. That’s what the episodes do. I will write some trial scenarios and post them here soon. None of the existing vids is a good example of an episode scenario. But I understand the power of yet. As in, “I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.”

As an aside, the blog title does not mean that we are limited to Hobo Village. I would prefer to start episodes at Hobo Village to give viewers a familiar anchor. I would prefer to stay with places that are in flying (and visual) distance of HV to help maintain a sense of place. And we would probably need a connection to HV to integrate an episode into a longer scenario.


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