Sunday, May 07, 2006


I did a little research into the status of Ballentine Beer, to see if there might be any problem with copyright infringement. Here is a site with details. Ballentine ale

I can’t find indications that Ballentine Beer is currently sold. I do find several instances like this:

12/04/04 The Marty Crane character on the TV sitcom Frasier is apparently often drinking Ballantine Beer. According to reliable sources, Alec Baldwin was seen drinking Ballantine on a cameo performance on "Casino" on 15 November 2004.....

It appears that Ballentine Beer has appeared publicly from time to time. I don’t know whether these were paid product placements, but they seem not to have offended the owners of the Ballentine copyright (Falstaff, I assume). I would expect that such use would be viewed as free advertising, rather than copyright violation.

The site above displays various logos and labels that were certainly under copyright in the past. If the Lindens are concerned, Orhalla could contact that webmaster to ask if there have been any objections to the use of these labels. (It is not an official site.)

On the other hand, the worst that could happen is a take-down order. The presence of this material on the web suggests that there would be no such objection.


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