Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Spritely Pixel on Water Slide

Proposed shooting script. No scenario on this. This is part of my documentary series (Second Lives). Here it serves to show what a shooting script might look like. These documentaries will illustrate things that we might use in subsequent vids, if we have a story that can use them. The present theme is: people enjoy themselves is SL.

TM will take position. Waves arm to show camera rolling.

SP comes out of his house in swimming trunks. Pauses facing slide. Flies to water slide, holds in flight.

(CUT. TM will reposition near slide. TM waves arm to show camera rolling.)

SP flies to top of slide and lands. SP initiates slide (face forward.).

TM will drop to follow the action. TM will try to catch plunge, but may need a second take on this.

SP surfaces and swims to landing. Rises to landing, stands, climbs stairs, enters house. CUT

Spritely: We probably have time for about 1 min of additional interest. One or two other things around the house, maybe. Not the dragon, not the carriage. Those each rate separate vids. If the carriage is in the yard, I will casually get it in frame while vidding the slide.

I will cut this clip into an episode. I can make the establishing clip on my own.


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