Monday, July 24, 2006

Boy fishing, shot list, Middle 7

No: 7
Story objective: Show plot event: boy leaves bridge. Reverts to adult.
Location: Hobo village. Bridge. Near and on land.
Lighting: Set to sunset. Continues to end.
Scene: As is, except fire drum is visible.
Time: 30 sec.
Character:/action: Boy, approaching land. May have moved a few feet since last shot.
Costume: (after morph) As in shot 1, except that man is barefoot. (Not shown on camera till shot 10.)
Boy is still carrying the pole. Pauses as he steps off bridge, Morphs back into man. Pole is gone, replaced by letter in his right hand. Fish gone. Cut
New prop: Letter for wearing. Ready. Named: PropAt Letter
Camera: View from far side of bridge to show burning drum in background. Follow boy (tagged, side view).
Notes: This morph may be done with cut and dissolve because of changing attachments. After morph, camera does not see man’s feet until end of shot 10.
Audio; Waterfront sounds, merging into suburban sounds. Faint voice reading from the letter again.

No 7. Glance shots
Story objective: show back thinking, recall of bridge.
From end of bridge, look out over bridge and water (sun setting).
Time: 10 sec.

No. 7. Cut-away shots
Objective: cover cuts. Allow timing adjustments.
Hobo village from morph point.


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