Boy fishing, shot list, opening 2
No: 2
Story objective: Show plot event, forced to stop at Hobo Village
Location: Calleta: Approach to bridge-out sign at Hobo village
Time: 20 sec.
Character:/action: Prot, driving car, sees hay bales (or large rocks) blocking road. Stops. Cut after stop.
New prop: hay bales or large rocks to block road. I have both and will put them out as needed.
Camera: view from behind, Tagged. Following car
Alternative POV: view from far side of road. Including Hobo Village.
Notes: Car may drive up to the bridge-out sign to use it as stopping mark. Car will stop there if moving slowly. Mark car left wheel spots with invisiprims. Car (owned by actor) will be collected by cleaning routines. I can place car with tag to stay. Since Kronos has modified car, he will need to give me his version if (when) I have to place car.
I was going to use hay bales. but now think about using rocks and using the title “Sermons in Stones.”
Audio; Sound of car. Voices in head. Add frustration from prot about having to stop “with all I’ve got to do.” Indication that he remembers the place from earlier time and that he will get out to look around.
No 2. Glance shots
A. Story objective: Emphasize obstacles in road
Time: 15 sec.
Camera: On road, about where Prot’s eyes would be. Sees objects in the road.
Audio; Sound of car. Voices in head, described in earlier blog. Probably cursing object I nroad.
B. Story objective: Show Prot remembering bridge and Hobo Village.
Time: 15 sec.
Camera: In eye position. Looks to right at Hobo Village and bridge. Camera traces bridge outward toward fishing spot.
Note: check on need for box out on bridge, cited in shot 5.
Prop: Car, burning drum.
Audio: Voice in head: “I’ve been here before. But it’s been a long time”
No. 2. Cut-away shots
Objective: cover cuts. Allow timing adjustments.
Close up of bridge out sign. (Still)
View of Hobo Village from road. As from moving car. Try in moving car with another driver.
NOTE: Get shot 10 here, with car still in place.
Story objective: Show plot event, forced to stop at Hobo Village
Location: Calleta: Approach to bridge-out sign at Hobo village
Time: 20 sec.
Character:/action: Prot, driving car, sees hay bales (or large rocks) blocking road. Stops. Cut after stop.
New prop: hay bales or large rocks to block road. I have both and will put them out as needed.
Camera: view from behind, Tagged. Following car
Alternative POV: view from far side of road. Including Hobo Village.
Notes: Car may drive up to the bridge-out sign to use it as stopping mark. Car will stop there if moving slowly. Mark car left wheel spots with invisiprims. Car (owned by actor) will be collected by cleaning routines. I can place car with tag to stay. Since Kronos has modified car, he will need to give me his version if (when) I have to place car.
I was going to use hay bales. but now think about using rocks and using the title “Sermons in Stones.”
Audio; Sound of car. Voices in head. Add frustration from prot about having to stop “with all I’ve got to do.” Indication that he remembers the place from earlier time and that he will get out to look around.
No 2. Glance shots
A. Story objective: Emphasize obstacles in road
Time: 15 sec.
Camera: On road, about where Prot’s eyes would be. Sees objects in the road.
Audio; Sound of car. Voices in head, described in earlier blog. Probably cursing object I nroad.
B. Story objective: Show Prot remembering bridge and Hobo Village.
Time: 15 sec.
Camera: In eye position. Looks to right at Hobo Village and bridge. Camera traces bridge outward toward fishing spot.
Note: check on need for box out on bridge, cited in shot 5.
Prop: Car, burning drum.
Audio: Voice in head: “I’ve been here before. But it’s been a long time”
No. 2. Cut-away shots
Objective: cover cuts. Allow timing adjustments.
Close up of bridge out sign. (Still)
View of Hobo Village from road. As from moving car. Try in moving car with another driver.
NOTE: Get shot 10 here, with car still in place.
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