Saturday, July 22, 2006

Boy fishing, story view

I have decided that the shot list is too wordy to put in 3 posts (as I did before). So I will post each shot separately and put in an overview first.

No. 1
Story objective: Establish main character, Prot (temp name).
Establish conflict situation: job offer versus family and work responsibilities. Establish letter (visually). Establish story-telling mode: voices in head
No: 2
Story objective: Show plot event, forced to stop at Hobo Village
No: 3
Story objective: Show plot event: move from car toward bridge. Establish burning drum.
No: 4
Story objective: Show plot event: move onto bridge. Take pole, morph into boy.
No: 5
Story objective: Show plot event: start fishing
No: 6
Story objective: Show plot event: time passes. Boy quits fishing, starts back.
No: 7
Story objective: Show plot event: boy leaves bridge. Reverts to adult.
No: 8
Story objective: Show plot event: resolution. Man leaves letter to burn.
No: 9
Story objective: Show plot event: resolution. Letter goes into burning drum.
No: 10
Story objective: Show plot event: closure. Man jumps into car, showing decision and rejuvenation.

Revised shot list calls for costume specs, cut-away shots, glance shots, and alterative camera viewpoints. I added this last item because I realized that there is almost no cost to extra takes in SL. So we can consider alternative views and take them if they look promising. Don’t have to use them. Might cut between them.

Possible titles:
Sermons in Stones (stones block car)
The View from Then.
(We have a while yet before we fix the title.)

Selby’s action items:
Find clothes for man. (They are in my head. I just have to find something to match.)
Finalize methods of car control. (Have several, Just need to find best.)
Make string of fish for Huck
Post next version of shot list
Review shot list (separately) from POV of storyteller, director, cameraman, editor, and vierwer.
Review, write, and finalize script for voices in head.

David’s action items
Review Selby’s revised shot list.
Consider options on voices in head:

Man (David) does it all, talking to himself about letter, offer, attractiveness of offer, responsibilities to current job, concerns of wife and kids.

Man and wife (David and wife) do it. He is remembering or anticipating wife’s reaction. No necessarily dialog. Maybe separate (and separable) speeches. And not necessarily in logical order. They could be reused.

We get voices for each person (man, wife, letter, current supervisor, teen daughter, son just before voice change, about the age of our Huck.)

The lat one is stronger, but hard to cast. In the first two we have to make the words establish the age of the boy. (Maybe just mention his baseball team.)

Look this stuff over to see what Selby left out.


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