Friday, July 21, 2006

Sunset Boulevard and LOD

Good line. And maybe suggestive. We will need a back story to give character to Marta. Perhaps she was a morning host on a local TV show in Peoria. She did shows in the Martha Stewart style. They replaced her with a show featuring weight loss pills, male enhancement, and Denture-Cream.

Now she is on our show. Not happy with the set (Hobo Village) and complaining at least once in each vid about the set, technical support, or personnel. Sam the Sham may work as an extra from time to time. And we will start with a set like the one I made for the first EEgg vid. The back screen will probably fall over in some vids to show Hobo Village. Scene contrast.

She will probably also complain about Thinkerer’s previous EEgg vid.

She is a bit of a perfectionist, but gets sympathy on that because her main concern is looking out for the interests of the viewer.

LOD. That’s learning on demand. We have VOD for video on demand. And POD, which, Creative Labs insists, stands for play on demand. So here is a slogan name for this kind on project. Ready when you are. School kids should be so lucky!

The main things we are looking for now are ideas for amusing attachments. Either existing attachments (free to copy), or ones I can make. I have a fire for the “wear fire” scene. What other available objects would make novel and amusing attachments?


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