Monday, July 17, 2006

Boy fishing, shot list, resolution and closure

No: 8
Story objective: Show plot event: resolution. Man leaves letter to burn.
Location: Hobo village. Near red boxcar.
Lighting: Set to sunset. Continues to end.
Scene: As is, except fire drum is visible.
Time: 30 sec.
Character:/action: Prot, carrying letter, walks from bridge, past end of boxcar, toward car. About two pauses to show hesitation. Voice reads part of letter. Finally (with determination, no pause), he walks toward burning drum and holds it toward the drum. Cut
Animation: TBD by David, drawing from anim used in Lip Flap.
Camera: View from near the burning drum. Tagged. Follow man (side view). Probably looking toward Hobo Village (and away from road).
Notes: May try to show hand empty. But not important. Be sure car is in place if the shot will show the where car was.
Audio; Suburban sounds. Faint voice reading from the letter again.

No: 9
Story objective: Show plot event: resolution. Letter goes into burning drum.
Location: Hobo village. Near red boxcar.
Lighting: Set to sunset. Continues to end.
Scene: As is, except fire drum is visible.
Time: 10 sec.
Character:/action: No person. Letter falls into fire in drum.
SL special effects. One version of letter prop has physics and temp rez. For realistic fall.
Camera: looking into drum as letter falls. .
Notes: Letter is dropped from above camera view. We may need to place something at drop point to let us find and repeat the correct drop point. I can modify the drum, so I will probably put a transparent, phantom stick in it.
Audio; Suburban sounds. Wind. Possibly crackling fire..

No: 10
Story objective: Show plot event: closure. Man jumps into car, showing decision and rejuvenation.
Location: Hobo village. Near bridge-out sign.
Lighting: Set to sunset. Continues to end.
Scene: As is, except car is parked as he left it.
Time: 20 sec.
Character:/action: Prot. has left the drum and is approaching car. Completes approach and jumps into car. Camera sees that he is barefoot (preferably during jump). Once in car, turns it around and goes back the way he came. Dissolve to credits as he drives to distance.
Camera: View is probably from near the drum. Tagged. Follows man and car.
Notes: We need to be sure we get a good shot of the bare feet. If needed, I will pull a .jpg from the sequence and cut it back in for a more emphatic shot. We may do this shot out sequence, right after Shot 2. So the Kronos car is still in place. I an not sure we will use the car driving off. As I watch it (in my head), I am coming to like the image of a freeze (JPEG) as we see the jump and bare feet. Maybe zoom in on feet. Fade to white and roll credits. I think we should take the raw vid to leave those options. Then make final decision when we can look at it.
Audio; Suburban sounds. Wind. Car. Happy voices (like party) play over the credits.

I favor having the credits carry the professional names of professional actors (as voice-acting.)


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